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5 First-Timer Mistakes to Avoid When Buying


Updated: Jul 23, 2019

1. Falling in Love

Looking for a home can be so monotonous, that when you finally walk into that one house that looks perfect, sounds perfect, and just feels perfect, you can go head over heels for it. Don’t. The saying “love is blind” also applies to house hunting. Let yourself have fun, but keep in mind that the seller has one goal: to sell. This is where your agent comes in handy, since they can find the things you may miss.

2. They Know What I Mean

If you have a condition to purchasing a house, never assume that it’s a given, or agreed on unless it’s in writing. This could include an email, a letter, or any type of documentation of agreement on the condition.

Neither party in real estate wants to foot the bill any more than they have to, so do your part and stay alert to what you’re asking for and what its status is.

3. My House, My Rules

Always check to see if there are community guidelines if you’re buying in a heavily populated area. If it seems more rural, ask anyway. Many communities will have a list of requirements from you as a homeowner, even independent sellers may have a covenant with rules for residency.

4. “My Agent Doesn’t Know Everything”

You are right, they don’t. They probably aren’t rocket scientists, or chefs, or dog whisperers. But they are in real estate for a reason. If you aren’t able to trust your real estate agent to consult with and help you make difficult calls, you should consider your choice. The best agent is there to walk you through the process and help you make decisions in your best interest.

5. It Looks Perfect As Is

Commonly, first time buyers will skip getting an inspection on the house they are interested in, because they fell in love with it (see “Falling In Love” above). You wouldn’t buy a car without getting an inspection, a house isn’t any different. Skipping this step could cost you serious expenses in the long run.

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